Maura was so intimidated and anxious about hiring me. She knew she had to do it, but it was really scary. Her lifestyle and body had changed since COVID and having a child and she was recently in her 40s. She hadn’t really updated her closet since she was a high-powered corporate lawyer in her 20s and it felt out of control. Transitions are challenging for so many of us. Maura felt ashamed and weird, like so many women do. I joked with her that I was sorry to inform her that what she was feeling was actually totally basic and normal, that this is incredibly common among my clients. We had a complimentary in-person session for an hour to help her feel comfortable with my approach and process. When I showed up at her home for our session, she was clearly anxious but excited – and completely skeptical, convinced there was no way we’d get through her entire closet in 3 hours. I said: watch me! 3 hours later, we tasmanian deviled through two decades of Maura’s life, completely tidied and reorganized her closet, had a good cry, and separated out 10 giant trash bags filled with the cherished possessions Maura was finally ready to thank for their role in her life and let go. Her concluding reflections were that she couldn’t believe how much we accomplished, she was exhausted, she felt lighter than she had in a long time, and she was ready to part with even more. Now we’re working on styling her for her 10-year anniversary party this summer, where she’s going to feel like the most dazzling, powerful, confident version of her beautiful self.